Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Him - Them - In no order. (This note is not yet rated)


You mean not what you say.

You never meant a word.

Trust does not exist here.

We are not what we thought.

We have nothing except denial.

You will enjoy what you have, not what takes effort.

You wont enjoy what you didn’t have to begin with.

You, are truly not worth my time.


You are someone I miss dearly.

You are probably more like me than anyone I know.

You are my blood.

You are my best friend, my brother,

You understand me.

I love you.

You are so, so special to me.


You are the one who’s hands the rest of my life lies in.

Your hands are going to save, or steal my son’s breath.

You are paid to shape lives, to save and to create them.

You are so powerful.

I do not know you to be different to any other man,

You have a label, and so I trust.

You, have a lot on your shoulders.


You left me with thumbprints on my ass and a bad taste in my mouth.

You play the game. Like chess with your own secret rules.

You’re scared of restriction. But I think you’re lonelier than anyone I know.

I could hear it in your voice when you spoke of memories created years ago.

You say things and never follow through.

You lie, and apparently you cheat too.

You’re a charmer. And I thought I could tolerate it.

I’ve access to better than this.

You, can go and hump someone else’s leg.


You attatched too fast.

You give me the creeps.

You barely know me. .

You’ve planned our life together and all I want is for you to stop talking.

You just don’t understand that you’re not on my radar.

You’re on the list of ‘Most Dangerous People’.

You need to leave me alone, or I’m going to emotionally crush you.

And I know so well that that’s the last thing I want to do to you.

You have been through enough.


You are the epitome of ‘Good things come in small packages’

(Get your mind out of the gutter)

Ideal things come in small packages.

You are almost perfect.

You are nothing that scissors and a pair of stilts couldn’t make perfect. (So far)

You make me hate myself for being so narrow-minded.

I cannot afford to settle for anything below perfect.

You make me kick myself.

You make me sorry.

You, are seemingly amazing.


You see things in me that everyone else does.

You love my shiny nose.

You love my much-too-wide-behind.

You love to help.

But I do not love you.

You are wonderful, kind and caring.

You are strange and insightful.

You and I did bad things.

You and I did good things.

You and I are friends. And that is all it will ever be.

You and You.

You’re the mates I can always rely on to listen.

You’ve been such a massive reason for me staying sane.

You both know exactly where we stand.

You wont let me down, and if you do, all is easily forgiven.

The token ‘nice guys’.

I love you like I love my brother.

You are amazing. No other words will do.


You have known me longer than most.

We’ve rarely spoken for many winters.

You understand me better than most.

You’re the sort of person I could spend my life with.

You have a beautiful soul, and an attitude I love.

Wrong time, wrong places. I’d like to think.

Age is a number, it’s maturity that counts.

You and I are friends. The possibilities are unspoken.


You need to set yourself free of a burden.

You mean well, but sometimes things just wont work.

Square pegs aren’t meant for round holes.

I know you hurt, and so do they, but let go.

You need to just jump in, and don’t stop paddling until you reach the edge.

You can do it, and so can they.

You’re one of my best mates, like a brother that almost was.

You have my utmost respect... most of the time. (I say this in jest)

And you.

You are filth.

You are a no-good, dirty, evil man.

And my life would quickly become a lot less awful if you weren’t in it.

You are someone I hate.

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